Monday, May 31, 2010

blueberry mornings.

As the twilight came down to my room, my mind was reborn with some new inspiration. Came across one project I'd be quite excited to contribute to as soon as I find a gloomy side of it to work with. The deadline is long after the show though so I shall place this on the top shelf for the time being. While on a bus to work earlier today (having some blueberries for breakfast) I had three incredibly distinct visuals about my ''Truthtellers'' skateboard designs, the second image in the Sögerie / Octavier series ( he's turning into dust every time he falls asleep), and about the Oval Portrait ( for the Poe project). I thought I could draw some more things for the Poe installation (and it's still wouldn't be enough as the visual worlds of his stories are endless, but it's worth trying). Shall be posting some work in progress tomorrow or so.

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