Thursday, December 31, 2009

And then they went and other wonders and wizards came round.

The New Year going be here soon and I'm nearly ready to go out and have fun and everything and I'm not sure what is that what I'm feeling right now.
This year has been quite a good piece of my lifetime, full of emotions and adventures and changes and new discoveries and inspirations and disappointments and sad things, there was a death that always will be hard to think about and there were some magical things that used to make my head spin and then they went and other wonders and wizards came round.
I'm exhausted. In a way. It even seems there's nothing left to feel / to feel with in my heart anymore, I'm just an empty vision heartwise, what I can't say about my mind, it works quite good and is getting through this constant visionary depression better or worse and my hands are drawing stuff all the time, and I'm looking forward the minute I'm back from all the festivities to get my hands on all the exciting things.

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